
What is Causing My Back Pain?

Back pain is a common issue for people of all ages and activity levels. In fact, an estimated 80% of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain can affect any part of the spine from neck to lower back, and can vary in intensity and duration. It can be […]

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The 5 Most Common Spring Sports Injuries

Spring sports season is upon us, and with it comes the risk of injuries. While there are many possible injuries that can occur during a game or practice, the 5 most common spring sports injuries are: sprains, rotator cuff, shin splints, concussions, and ACL tears. Each of these injuries can have serious consequences if they […]

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Getting Spring Sports Ready

Spring sports are starting to ramp up and as the seasons approach for each spring sport, we want to emphasize just how important it is that you start the season in shape and ready to go so that you avoid injury. Nobody wants to be sidelined in their sport due to an injury. What an […]

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How To Start Exercising Following a Motor Vehicle Accident

Car accidents are sadly quite common, and the average person can expect to be in at least one car accident during their lifetime. It’s an unfortunately common occurrence that often leads to serious injuries, including broken bones, burns, head and neck trauma, and emotional distress. Many people do not take the proper precautions to reduce […]

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Treating Common Injuries That Occur In Motor Vehicle Accidents

Every year, nearly 6 million passenger automobile accidents occur in the United States. 1 million people in the United States are hospitalized for typical vehicle collision injuries, costing an estimated $18 billion in lifetime medical expenditures and $33 billion in lost work. Injuries are common and can alter the way of life in ways that […]

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Heavy Bags Could Be Causing You Back and Shoulder Pain

Heavy bags could be causing you back and shoulder pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, around 80% of the US population may have back pain at some point in their lives. We want to help you avoid being part of the 80 percent that suffer from pack pain, and the point of this blog […]

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5 Benefits Of Having A Personal Trainer

The New Year has arrived, and it is time to get started or back into the routine of working out and staying fit so that those New Year’s resolutions don’t go to waste. You want to make sure that you are getting the results you deserve after putting in the effort, but you seem to […]

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Active Woman Exercising With Lower Back Pain

How To Relieve Lower Back Pain After Exercise Without Painkillers

Do you love to exercise, but struggling with annoying lower back pain for days afterwards? And are you frustrated with the standard advice you get from your doctor, friends and family – to rest and take painkillers. Thankfully there is another way – which has worked for hundreds of our patients who are avid runners, […]

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Personalize your Backpack fit

Personalize your backpack fit Children and adults alike use backpacks to carry their books, laptops, gear, and supplies throughout the day. Unfortunately, when used improperly, long-term side effects of using heavy bags continuously can result in poor posture and pain. Here are some tips to help practice proper backpack ergonomics to keep your body pain-free […]

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